What It’s For This compact, small-footprint air filtration unit is specifically designed for single room use. It is the larger cousin of the AC4100 model: If you’re looking for a whole-home solution, you’re going to need to invest in one of these for every room in your home, or get something bigger like the Santa Fe Max Dry Dual unit: Pros This is a great single-point product. The best use of a unit like this is to put it in the basement, or any other location that is naturally … [Read more...]
Product Review – The Whynter RPD-702WP
What It’s For One of the key things that makes mold infestations likely is excess humidity in your home. Your skin is actually a pretty good barometer. If the air in your home feels damp to you, you’ve definitely got a sufficient level of moisture in your house to facilitate mold growth. That’s where a home dehumidifier comes in. These units extract the excess water from the air in your home, collecting it in a fill bucket. Every dehumidifier we’ve ever come across has a fill sensor that … [Read more...]
Mold Symptoms & What To Do About Them
Before you start thinking about Mold Symptoms, the odds are that if you have a mold problem, you’ll know it. Those black spots growing on your wall aren’t supposed to be there, and if you see them, it’s time to take action. Long before you see them though, you’ll probably smell the growth of the mold colony. People describe the smell of an active mold colony in different ways, but the most common descriptions include things like rotting wood, rotting paper, or wet, nasty, sweat-soaked socks. In … [Read more...]
What Do Professional Mold Removal Companies Do Exactly?
As long as moisture, oxygen and nutrient are present, mold can grow almost anywhere. It apparently became a perpetual issue. That being said, boundless efforts have been made against it until such good news gave a relief – molds are now remediable. There’s one thing that remains a challenge in fighting molds though. It’s the fact that you cannot do it alone. The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors released a guide addressed to home inspectors regarding the mold clean-up … [Read more...]
Product Review – Pro-Lab MO109 Mold DIY Test Kit
What It’s For If you call a professional to have an in-home mold test performed, it will set you back $300-$400. That’s a pretty steep price, and not one that a lot of folks are willing to pay, which is how and why the at-home test kit market came to be. This kit, offered by Jensen, is one of several options homeowners have available if they want to take matters into their own hands and test their home for mold and other pollutants (this test also checks for pollen and dust … [Read more...]