Of the three requirements for mold spores to thrive and multiply, the source of nutrients is the hardest to control. This is because the nutrients are not only made up of the building materials and furnishings of the home, but also simple house dust containing the right biological particles.
Some of the materials that provide nutrients for mold to grow are:
- House Dust (containing plant, human, and animal matter)
- Surface and Construction Materials (wallpaper; carpet; wood)
- Stored Materials (books; clothing)
- Plants and Food Products
Porous and fibrous materials are more conducive to mold growth because they provide the most nutrients. Mold can reach down deep past the surface level to cause extensive damage. However, mold can grow on almost any surface if nutrients and water settle for any length of time. Non-porous materials such as tile, marble, stone, and glass typically only have mold on their surface where nutrients exist. By using building products like this, along with moisture control efforts and regular cleaning, mold growth is less likely.